Does the astonishment associated with the Christmas Eve still entice you? Wish to keep up the spirit of the Christmas in your child. Well, we have a found a way to help your child have fun while learning a lot more new words. This kid’s inspired game is a great tool to learn the first English words as a first or second language. All you need is to download/ install the game and set it up. You will see a surprise egg for you on the screen, unwrap it, eat all the chocolate coated over it and reveal your cute surprise. Keep the surprise in your inventory and keep collected more. You can get chocolates, Santa-Claus himself, or a unicorn, toys such as a duckie and a lot more items. Show off the items to your friends and learn about each toy they earn.
You have 250 eggs to unwrap. Isn’t it amazing kids? The first 20 eggs are completely free, but to redeem more you need to watch the Video-Ad or wait for the next day for a new free egg. In case, you can’t wait to unlock all, just make a small in-app purchase.
- Child – friendly game play
- New surprise every day
- Get 1 free egg each day