Gaming has evolved as the most liked activity in recent times. People of all groups love to indulge themselves into gaming with enthusiasm and curiosity. This gaming craze has recently paced up  due to the high end game development techniques and easy availability of gaming devices like mobile phones, laptops, desktops etc in each hand.
Considering the demand and  enthusiasm for gaming among people, the game developers are digging new possibilities to add to the thrill of gaming excitement. Moreover, the game development tools have also geared up in providing enhanced and precise designing possibilities that make the game look like a real live world.
Types of gaming platforms – the widespread game reachability
Since the first non commercial game in 1960 that was run on mainframe computer, the gaming has entirely changed. Today we have a gaming aura that is just another world in itself. Let’s take a roundup of the vivid gaming platforms:
- iOS Game Development: One of the most robust and popular platform has inbuilt gaming tool kits that facilitate the gaming process from scratch to actual play. Portable to all iOS devices, the iOS games are equally strong and swift as a game on any other platform. The staunch iOS game developers are perfect and updated in their logical skills to create games that are different and interesting. Metal, scenekit, spritekit, gameplaykit, model I/O are a few of the in built tools in XCode. Besides XCode, Unity tool is also used to create iOS games and then give it a final run and build in XCode
- Android Game Development: This is another most popular and widely used platform that supports game development process with its dedicated packages. Android Studio is the programming language that is most popularly used for android game development process. Also, Unity, JAVA, CryEngine can be used in creating android games.
- Web Game Development: The recent web browsers and OS support have extended their hands towards high end gaming possibilities. Not mere social or card games are a part of web games now. Sharp and crisp high end games can easily be played on the web with ease and real gaming aggression. The Web game developers use HTML5 and JAVAScript as a choice for developing such games. Full Screen API, Gamepad API, Web Audio API, File API are a few of the interfaces used while creating web games. Again Unity allows to create web games easily with it.
- Facebook Game Development: Facebook…. Everyone’s favorite page! It’s delightful that the gaming world has its empire here too. Games made for any platform can be deployed on facebook using its SDK. Specifically, Flash, Unity and HTML5 are used to create some dedicated games over facebook. Undoubtedly, you can find maximum number of people hanging over facebook throughout the day and also booming the gaming industry.
- Casino Game Development: Casino games are a big industry that involves gaming on large scale. Casino games can be developed using any platform, but more popular are HTML5 and Unity. Slot games, table games, sports betting, arcade games and many more are real time games that require perfect execution. Coding especially for casino games requires tuff core functionalities and scenarios to be handled precisely.
- Console Game Development: Console games emerged as the first type of games. They have travelled along the success of gaming arena. From the very first game to today’s high end games, the consoles are key players.HTML5, Unreal and Unity are most used languages to allow gaming on consoles. Console games are categorised as PS(playstation), Sony, Nintendo and XBox and all these have tailored SDK’s for their respective game programming.
- PC Game Development: PC games are also a very popular form of gaming since decades. The PC games are entirely dependent on the system configuration you have. You may own a best gaming desktop or a best gaming laptop that is well equipped with all the required hardware to enjoy gaming. These games are created using Unity, unreal and HTML5 are commonly used to create such games.
Unity Game Development – a versatile tool
Unity is popular game development tool that works well for all. Unity gains its popularity from the cross platform portability and hi – tech feature support. For all the above game developments, there is/are dedicated programming languages, but Unity game development is the one common to all. With Unity, the Unity game developers can easily create and deploy 3D and 2D games on specific server. All the high end gaming features including AR(augmented reality) and VR(virtual reality) are easily mentored in Unity.
At present, Unity3D can support following 17 platforms:
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
- WebGL
- Tizen
- Mac
- Linux
- Web Player
- Google Cardboard
- Oculus Rift
- PS3
- PS4
- Xbox
- SamsungTV
- AndroidTV
- WiiU
Points to be considered for game development – these are really important
- Proper documentation of the project requirements
- A strategic game development process and planning
- Refined and updated team to work with the latest tools
- Proper benchmarking of each task with exact timeline
- Ensuring quality in each step
- Well formed communication between team and clients
- Thorough testing
Final wrap up:
Game development  is a tedious process that requires the game developers as well as game development companies to stay updated to a minute. The best game development company like Ommzi keeps itself always ready to adapt and exploit the latest techniques. Such a spirit of grooming and searching wider bounds will always keep gaming industry on a boom.